This is really tough task, when you want to move public folder database from one server to another server in exchanger server 2007, Exchanger Server 2010,
before starting the activity you have to create one public folder on server,
Stpe-1: After creating the public folder you have to
execute the command.\MoveAllReplicas.ps1 -Server Server1 -NewServer server2but before executing this command you have to set the directory,
Cd program files>microsoft>exchange server>v14>scripts then execute
.\MoveAllReplicas.ps1 -Server Server1 -NewServer server2

after executing your public folder will move
Stpe-2: verify public folder is moved or not-
run the following command
Get-PublicFolderStatistics -Server

if that is showing nothing means your public folder is moved to destination server.
Stpe-3: To get a listing of all system folders on this database, run the command
Get-publicfolder \NON_IPM_SUBTREE -recurse |ft Name,Replicas
Stpe-4: then you have to set public folder default on that server where you have moved,
follow the following steps,
- In the console tree, navigate to Organization Configuration > Mailbox.
- In the result pane, select the mailbox database for which you want to change the default public folder database.
- In the action pane, under the mailbox database name, click Properties.
- In Properties, click the Client Settings tab.
- Next to the Default public folder database box, click Browse.
- In Select Public Folder Database, select the public folder database from the list of public folder databases, and then click OK.
- Click OK
Stpe-5: Remove old public folder:
you can directly remove public folder from console which are not in use
but you public folder should be mounted to mailbox server.